Martin G. Middleton


Qualifications, accreditation and professional memberships:

·         BSc(Hons) Prosthetics and Orthotics, University of Strathclyde, 1999-2003

·         Expert Witness Certificate, Bond Solon, Cardiff University 2012

·         Vetted member of the Expert Witness Institute

·         Registered member of the Heath and Care Professions Council

·         Member of the British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists

 Past and present positions:

 2015-Present, Middleton Medico-Legal, Nationwide

Consultant Orthotist and Expert Witness

 I established a nationwide expert witness service providing impartial, objectively reasoned and evidence based Orthotic reports. I conduct 50+ cases per year with an approximate split of 65% Claimant: 35% Defendant: 5% Joint.  An orthotic clinical service is centred in the Hertfordshire region working with orthopaedic and neuro-rehabilitation consultants.


  2008-Present, Pace Rehabilitation Ltd, Cheshire & Buckinghamshire

Consultant Orthotist and Expert Witness

I was approached by Pace Rehabilitation, a leading UK Prosthetic rehabilitation service and Rehab Provider of the Year award winner 2010, and asked to provide a consultant Orthotic service centred on Expert Witness practice. With this organisation, I have worked alongside Paralympic athletes and the Walking With The Wounded charity preparing for their polar expeditions.


 2003-2016, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London      

Band 7 Specialist Orthotist

The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital is an internationally recognised centre of excellence where I practised extensively in the fields of complex foot/ankle conditions, spinal deformity, spinal cord injury, brachial plexus injury and traumatic limb reconstruction. My further professional responsibilities included:

·         Clinical lead in the orthotic management of neuro-muscular and idiopathic scoliosis

·         Clinical and developmental lead in the field of Brachial Plexus injury

·         Specialist in foot and ankle conditions

·         Training of final year orthotic students and mentoring of junior staff

 2007-2013, HCA Healthcare: The Wellington Hospital and London Bridge Hospital, London

Consultant Orthotist

The Wellington Hospital was a particular highlight due to the opportunity to deliver orthotic care within the largest private neuro-rehabilitation facility in the UK. Client groups were primarily stroke victims and traumatic brain injury who required extensive physiotherapy and gait re-education. This exemplary service also utilised cutting edge assistive technology equipment, including the Lokomat and Armeo systems.

2007-Present, North West London NHS Trust

Consultant Orthotist

I provide a consultation service for the orthotic management of spinal cord injuries primarily in cases of Myeloma and TB. I am responsible for the guidelines and patient pathway for efficient application of custom-made spinal orthoses for the preservation of spinal cord integrity and facilitation of safe mobility.

 August 2006, Hope Rehabilitation Society, Lahore, Pakistan

I was approached by the leading organisation for orthotic and prosthetic provision in Pakistan to take on the task of improving the standard of orthotic treatment, especially scoliosis management. I provided education on a wide variety of modern orthotic techniques and also prepared detailed clinical and manufacture manuals. I implemented a range of multi-purpose AFOs and foot orthoses.

Teaching, publications and presentations:

 ·         Orthotic tutor at the Basic Sciences in Orthopaedics Course for FRCS (T&O) exam preparation, British Orthopaedic Association and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, annually since 2012

·         Orthotic tutor at the British Casting Certificate course, British Orthopaedic Association and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, annually since 2010

·         Contributor to Brachial Plexus Rehabilitation chapter of “Surgical Disorders of the Peripheral Nerves” book by Professor R. Birch

·         Article: “Cosmetic calf shaping for AFO case study”, BAPO journal 2004

·         Article:  “Developments in Brachial Plexus management” BAPO journal 2004

·         Article: “Pre-Preg KAFO design case study”, BAPO journal 2005

·         Article: “Composite materials, further development in Brachial Plexus management” BAPO journal 2013

·         Article: “Development of dynamic elbow flexion orthosis,” LinkedIn, direct to patient group and online distribution 2015

·         Presentation: “Developments in Brachial Plexus Management”, Australian Hand Therapy Association National Conference, Perth, Australia, 2004

·         Presentation: “Orthotic Treatment Modalities”, Pace Rehabilitation conference 2008

·         Presentation: “Principles and applications of ankle foot orthoses”, HCA Healthcare, Wellington Hospital, 2009

·         Presentation: “Post-polio syndrome; gait and treatment”, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, 2012

·         Presentation: “Orthotic technology”, Pace rehabilitation conference, 2015.

Further training:

 ·         KT2 Advanced Kinesio Taping qualification

·         British Weight Lifting Association: Level 1 Instructor qualification

·         NCTEPO: AFO management in children with Cerebral Palsy

·         NCTEPO: Stance control KAFO

·         NCTEPO: Adult Foot Problems

·         NCTEPO: Orthotic Management of the Diabetic Foot

·         Body Type Nutrition Seminar

·         Flaccid Foot Gait Seminar