Knee Conditions
Orthoses/Braces can be used to effectively address osteoarthritis, patella mal-tracking, muscular weakness and ligament injuries such as ACL ruptures.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative condition affecting the joint cartilage which can become debilitating painful. Knee braces can be very effective in manipulating the pressure on the damaged joint structures and thereby achieve substantial pain relief. Uni-compartmental problems, where pain is experienced predominantly around one side of the joint respond best to treatment. It is common that surgery can be postponed for a number of years due to the benefits of these braces.
Ligament injuries result in an unstable joint. Knee braces can take on the role of the damaged ligament, stabilising the joint and permitting a safe return to mobility or sporting activities. Many athletes, particularly skiers, motocross riders and wake boarders wear braces to prevent injuries from occurring in the first place.
Patella mal-tracking can result in anterior knee pain or joint instability. Knee bracing in conjunction with appropriate physiotherapy can be effective in stabilising the joint.
The Solution
As with all treatment regimes we will full assess your requirements and discuss the possible treatment options along with the probability of success. As an independent service we are able to source braces from any of the leading manufacturers or create custom braces specific to your requirements. Have a look at the videos below produced by orthotic supplier Ossur.
Bill was diagnosed with osteoarthritis which had really started to affect his daily routine. In this video, Bill explains how he opted for the non-invasive brace to treat his osteoarthritis.
Toby Gerhart talks about playing football in his CTi knee brace by Ossur.